
Sivaporn Dardarananda Activities Post

Friday, January 17, 2014

Seranading Slurpy's Brood

Nyanole plays guitar for Slurpy and  her remaining 6 puppies. 10 were born by caesarian section 2 days ago. 4 have died so far.

The Mango Tree Blossoms

The "Ohk Rhong" mango tree flowers. Good sign; we may be blessed with plentiful mangos this year!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Rare Family Photo

Peter is holding one of the first SONY transistor radio in the world. It was stolen when a photographer came to our Rome apartment to sell us photos of a Thai Embassy event that Mom and Dad attended. We were able to get the police to track him to his studio and caught him with the evidence. He was convicted.