
Sivaporn Dardarananda Activities Post

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Reinflating the Lungs

During the lengthy open heart operation of 6 hours the lungs are given a break by the lung machine. After all the surgery and reinstalling the lungs, it is important to get the lungs to expand to their maximum volume and to clear them of water. I am given an Inflat-O-Meter by the doctor and am instructed to suck on the machine until the yellow disk stays at the mark for three seconds. And have to do this 300 times a day. Ugh! According to the X-Rays of the lungs, they appear to be in pretty good condition, even after 50 years of cigarette smoking.


At Friday, June 12, 2009, Blogger suthas said...

What a relief, I still have 18 more years of smoking to do krub...ha..ha!


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