
Sivaporn Dardarananda Activities Post

Monday, June 23, 2008

TISCO Foundation for Charity

Today the TISCO Foundation for Charity presented scholarships to over 700 needy students from the Bangkok area. This year the Foundation will extend over Baht 16 million of scholarship funds to over 5,000 student countrywide.
Looking at the students it came to my mind that all the receiving students were not even born yet when we set up the Foundation 25 years ago with the initial endowment of Baht 1 million from TISCO after some negotiations with Bankers Trust, TISCO's parent. It is a satisfying thought to know that the foundation has extended over 100,000 scholarships worth Baht 145 million from its inception. We feel we have done something worthwhile for the country. (And if some of TISCO's Thai directors had not objected, the TISCO Foundation's endowment fund would have been much higher and we could have done more.)


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